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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News

2020/2021 Bliain Scoile

25ú Meitheamh 2021
Cé go bhfuil brón orainn go bhfuil Rang 7 ag imeacht, bhí áthas...
25ú Meitheamh 2021
And so that time of the year comes again when we bid a sad farewell to Rang 7. ...
24ú Meitheamh 2021
Our last P7 was a wash-out but it didn't dampen the children's spirits, whooshing...
24ú Meitheamh 2021
Our departing P7s get spoilt at lunch-time most of the time with all the seconds,...
24ú Meitheamh 2021
Congratulations to all our Accelerated Readers this year.  Not knowing how the...
18ú Meitheamh 2021
18ú Meitheamh 2021
Bhí muid ag éisteacht leis na fuaimeanna thart ar an scoil agus scríobh...
18ú Meitheamh 2021
Thanks to events last week, Acht na Gaeilge seems to be a little bit closer, but...
18ú Meitheamh 2021
Spórt agus spraoi amuigh faoin spéir.