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Nuacht News - Homepage

2021/2022 Bliain Scoile

10ú Nollaig 2021
The school was awash with Santa red, with Christmas Tree green and with snowy white...
10ú Nollaig 2021
It's stating to feel a lot like Christmas.......
6ú Nollaig 2021
Thankfully, this year is a bit better than last year when it comes to Christmas. ...
26ú Samhain 2021
It has been a busy few weeks in the school, with Anti-bullying Week, the return...
25ú Samhain 2021
Tá Rang 4 iontach gnóthach ag obair mar ghupaí agus i mbeirteanna....
18ú Samhain 2021
I suppose you could say that the trip was out of this world and that the children...
17ú Samhain 2021
Ghlac na páistí cara beag isteach leo i ndiaidh am lóin inniu!...