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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News - Homepage

2019/2020 Bliain Scoile

16ú Márta 2020
Please view the attached letter.
10ú Márta 2020
Congratulations to our Hurlers and Camógs for their success in reaching...
10ú Márta 2020
No, not the band, but a celebration of Irish culture and the children's talents...
9ú Márta 2020
Go raibh maith agat to Séamus from the Cultúrlann for bringing his...
9ú Márta 2020
Getting together for a bit of craic and a bit of a quiz is a nice way to start...
6ú Márta 2020
Please find below sound recordings of this year's poems for the Feis.
6ú Márta 2020
The Ulster American Folk Park gives the children a great insight into life in the...
6ú Márta 2020
Congratulations to our P7 Quiz-Whizz-Kids for their silver medals at today's GAA...