Nuacht News - Facebook
2020/2021 Bliain Scoile
28ú Aibreán 2021
Rang 2 made their own musical instruments today out of a range of junk and everyday...
22ú Aibreán 2021
Rang 2's first topic this term is Sound, so they spent a noisy morning exploring...
22ú Aibreán 2021
I am sure the pizza was delicious, but I wouldn't know as one of the pupils ate...
20ú Aibreán 2021
We shouldn't really laugh, but the first PE lesson on skipping with the P1 pupils...
19ú Aibreán 2021
They say elephants have great memories, but they are not a patch on children; P5...
16ú Aibreán 2021
For weeks and weeks before Christmas, and from Day 1 when the older children came...
15ú Aibreán 2021
Tá Rang 1 ag déanamh réidh le glasraí a chur sa ghairdín! ...
15ú Aibreán 2021
D’fhiosraigh Rang 5 dóigheanna le eolas a léiriú/ Rang...
14ú Aibreán 2021
We have all spent more time than normal in our gardens over the last year, and some...
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