Nuacht News - Facebook
2020/2021 Bliain Scoile
25ú Bealtaine 2021
Bhí múinteoirí breise i Rang 1 le tamall anuas - nach méanair...
25ú Bealtaine 2021
Footballs don't have a long lifespan in Gaelscoil Uí Néill - they...
24ú Bealtaine 2021
There were a lot of points going this week, a maximum of 50 from the teachers +...
23ú Bealtaine 2021
It was such a hectic day that we only managed to get a few snaps, apologies to those...
21ú Bealtaine 2021
Rang 6 followed Rang 7 on their Confirmation Retreat and, with a bit better weather,...
20ú Bealtaine 2021
Preparation for Confirmation continues as Rang 7 went on their Retreat with Bosco...
19ú Bealtaine 2021
When Pope Francis was asked what was the most important point in his spiritual life,...
19ú Bealtaine 2021
Father Frank visited the school today and performed the Festival of Light service...
17ú Bealtaine 2021
Naíscoil pupils spent a morning last week walking a fine line on balance...
14ú Bealtaine 2021
A good week for Rang 2 this wee with an impressive 44, and Rang 5 keep on rolling...
Gaelscoil Ui Neill, 104 Washingbay Road, Coalisland Co. Tyrone BT71 4PU Tel: 028 87749178 | Fax:028 87741101 | Email: